- defeat utterly
- наголову
наголову (defeat utterly, route)
Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.
Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.
Wipe the floor with — defeat utterly; overcome completely … Dictionary of Australian slang
rout — rout1 [raʊt] noun 1》 a disorderly retreat of defeated troops. ↘a decisive defeat. 2》 Law, dated an assembly of people who have made a move towards committing an illegal act which would constitute an offence of riot. 3》 archaic a disorderly… … English new terms dictionary
whitewash — Synonyms and related words: absolve, acquit, allow for, allowance, amnesty, apply paint, becloud, bedaub, bedizen, befog, begild, belie, besmear, blank, blanket, blind, brush on paint, bulldoze, calcimine, camouflage, chalk, clear, cloak, clobber … Moby Thesaurus
smashed — smæʃt adj. shattered, broken to pieces; crushed; demolished; defeated utterly; drunk (Slang) smæʃ n. breaking into pieces, shattering; sound of something breaking into pieces, crash; collision, car crash; bankruptcy; defeat; violent blow v.… … English contemporary dictionary
crush — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. press, mash, squash, squeeze, bruise; overcome, conquer, vanquish, subdue, quell, overwhelm, suppress, blot out; shame, disconcert. See contraction, destruction, powderiness, humility. n. press,… … English dictionary for students
Rout — A rout is commonly defined as a chaotic and disorderly retreat or withdrawal of troops from a battlefield, resulting in the victory of the opposing party, or following defeat, a collapse of discipline, or poor morale. A routed army often… … Wikipedia
rout — I. /raʊt / (say rowt) noun 1. a defeat attended with disorderly flight; dispersal of a defeated force in complete disorder: to put an army to rout. 2. a defeated and dispersing army. 3. a tumultuous or disorderly crowd of persons. 4. a clamour or …
zilch — I. n 1a. nothing. The word became common in US speech in the later 1960s, spread ing to Britain in the 1980s. It is either an invented alteration of zero or from sub sense b. 1b. a nonentity. Zilsch or Zilch is a Yid dish/German family name… … Contemporary slang
annihilate — [ə nʌɪɪleɪt] verb 1》 destroy utterly. ↘defeat utterly. 2》 Physics convert (matter) into radiant energy, especially by collision of a particle with an antiparticle. Derivatives annihilation noun annihilator noun Origin ME: from late L.… … English new terms dictionary
annihilate — /əˈnaɪəleɪt / (say uh nuyuhlayt) verb (t) (annihilated, annihilating) 1. to reduce to nothing; destroy utterly: the bombing annihilated the city. 2. to destroy the form or collective existence of: to annihilate an army. 3. to cancel the effect… …
wipe — /waɪp / (say wuyp) verb (t) (wiped, wiping) 1. to rub lightly with or on a cloth, towel, paper, the hand, etc., in order to clean or dry. 2. to take (away, off, out, etc.) by rubbing with or on something. 3. to remove as if by rubbing: wipe the… …